AliPrice Shopping Browser
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Install the Browser Extension and click the Buy-for-me button to jump to the AliPrice Agent website to place an order.
Copy product link and search it.
Select product's color and quantity.
Upload product info.
Pay for the products and shipping fee in China.
AliPrice Agent will buy for you after receiving the order.
Quality inspection and stored in the warehouse.
Visit 'My Products' and then click 'Submit Package'.
Pay for intl shipping fee and service fee.
Consolidate and pack products, reinforce package, weight and send out for delivery.
Once you have received the parcel, you can confirm the delivery via 'My Agent Package'. If you have any question regarding to the parcel, you can also choose the relevant parcel and add note for After-sales Service.
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源头货源,性价比更高, 质量有保障,服务更周到,量大价格从优 考虑大多客户有自己的品牌所以统一不打标出货,如需要我们打标的客户请提前说明,另每件衣服收取2元的手工费,谢谢!
因人工测量方式不同,针织面料具有一定的弹性,存在1~3cm误差属正常范围,数据仅供参考,以实物为准、 介意者慎拍!
本店商品均为实物拍摄,颜色经专业校对,与实物平铺图最为接近,因电脑显示器的色彩对比度和色温等稍有差 异.介意者慎拍!
本店支持一件代发(需联系客服审核确认),代理一件代发享受7天无理由退货,除破损外,其他由主观因素引起的售后问题,与我们无关【比如:衣服不喜欢、不适合, 有色差、尺寸不符、想象有差距等】退换货来回运费需买家承担。衣服有破损的本店承担运费,但买家先垫付、收到衣服确认质量问题后我们补邮费到买家账户。邮费是按我们发货运费标准补给买家.由于涉及账务问题邮费到付一律拒收!
零售客户不支持无理由退货,享受7天包换服务、支持换同等价位的其他款式或颜色、邮费买家自理 5件起算批发,批发不支持退货,支持15天包换、支持订单数量(总件数)的3分之一换同等价位的其他款式或颜色【下架产品一 律不退换,且每一单只能换一次,超时不处理】,客户如果收到货物有质量问题【不喜欢、不适合 、有色差、尺码不准、卖不掉等并非质量问题】,请在收到货物48小时内联系我们客服进行登记处理,并提供清晰的问题照片!收到货物核实属质量问题后, 本店铺承担换货运费。邮费以店铺标准运费模板承担、其他问题换货运费买家自理、
付款后48小时内发出,如有缺货会尽快补发,个别款库存原因缺货我们会及时留言或者电话联系您说明情况。 默认中通快递如需其他快递下单请联系客服,必要的需补差价,顺丰只发到付。(活动期间包邮不支持指定快递)