Beijing CST  2025-02-08 03:00:55

Agent for 1688 / Taobao

Import from China with one click

How to buy-for-me

1. Create an Order

Submit an order and pay for the product and Chinese local delivery fee. (service fee 5%)

2. AliPrice Purchase

Our shopping agents will contact the supplier and purchase your ordered products.

3. Check & Delivery

After product arrived warehouse, AliPrice will check, pack and weigh. Please pay for Intl Shipping Fee. (second payment)

4. Package Arrives

After the package delivered to your address, please click the confirm button.

Payment Methods

Shipping Cost Calculation

Shipping Calculation

Shipping MethodIntl Shipping FeeDelivery TimeEstimated Arrival Date

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Advantages of AliPrice


More payment methods and logistics channels.

More Efficient

Sourcing and shipping globally is faster and easier.

High Quality

Strictly control the quality according to the standard quality inspection process.


Free storage of 90 days, saving you time and money.

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