Beijing CST  2024-05-07 15:47:19
어플 삭제 요청

Topic Creator:skpaik1012Updated on:2022-11-16 21:24:03


제 크롬창 왼쪽 아래에 보시면 알리프라이스에서 깔게 한 말주머니 같은게 있는데

이거 불편해서 없애고 싶은데 삭제가 안됩니다

도와주세요 너무 스트레스 받아서 미칠거 같아요 ㅠㅠ화면 캡처 2022-11-16 222124_2022116374e3dac695d.jpg

  • AliPrice#1

    Hi skpaik1012, We're so sorry that this button cannot be removed during the use of the extension. You can close the extension when you are not using it, or add websites that you do not want the button to appear in the extension settings, set it to the blacklist, and it will not be displayed come out. Hope this could help you.

    Last reply to 2022-11-18 10:54:13
    You have an inbound order but have not submitted an international shipping application, please process