AliPrice Shopping Browser
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Click on the link "Add Store"
Coupang is currently supported
After the adding is successful, you will be redirected to the "Imported Order" page.
You can click "Store Authorization" to check the status of your authorized store.
1. Find products on the AliPrice platform, you can browse our popular products or search by keyword(If you want to upload 1688 / Taobao product, please contact us);
2. Click "List It Now" or "Wishlist" on the product details page to import the product to your store;
3. Edit the product information before listing, and click "Save" after editing;
Select your "Store" in the list and click "List it to store";
4. Check "Listed" and your Coupang store has successfully listed products;
After the pop-up window shows that the product has been successfully listed, you can click "Go to Coupang store to view" to check the product. In addition, you can also check on the "Listed" list on the AliPrice platform.
1. After logging into your AliPrice account, navigate to "Orders"on the left column, and click "Imported Orders";
2. You need to click "Download Order" to synchronize the Coupang store order to the AliPrice platform, and select the corresponding store name to import the order;
3. Click "Pending Payment" in the tab and you will see a list of orders that have not yet been fulfilled. ("Unpaid" means that your customer has paid for the order and you have not yet paid for the product on AliPrice platform.) If your customer has not paid or only paid for part of the order, we will not download the order to your AliPrice account;
4. Review the order you would like to fulfill. Change the shipping option and shipping address if necessary. For your convenience, you can set default shipping options;
5. After confirming the order, check the required order (you can select all orders on the page), and then click "Batch Payment" or "At-once Payment".
6. You will be redirected to the payment page, follow the instructions to complete the payment;
7. After completing the payment, we will process your order immediately. You can check the order update on the order page, usually it takes less than 4 days before delivery;
After shipping, AliPrice will provide a tracking URL, and the order will be prompted with "Dispatched" and "Complete". Order status and tracking number will be synced to your Coupang store at the same time, no need to do anything manually on your part!
1. Since there is a 1‰ probability that the products on 1688 will not support "one drop shipping" or be out of stock, in order to avoid the problem that you cannot sell, AliPrice Dropshipping recommends that you:
(1) Please try to choose a supplier that supports "dropshipping".
(2) You can purchase multiple pieces of this product at the same time and store them in the warehouse of AliPrice Dropshipping. When you have a sales order, AliPrice Dropshipping can arrange the shipment for you immediately.
(3) If you do not accept the method of purchasing more products and storing them in the warehouse, then AliPrice Dropshipping will not be able to help you purchase the "one dropshipping" or out-of-stock 1688 products, please apply for a refund.
【产品名称】玻璃手链 【产品材质】弹力绳、玻璃
【产品重量】约15克/个 【产品颜色】不限于图片展示色,随机混发
【产品尺寸】珠径约8MM 、每个手链有20-22颗珠子串成(随机发,不挑)
01 客服中心 |
周一至周日:09:00 ~ 23:00(包括国家法定节假日,春节除外) TEL: 18867949614 |
02 加工定做 |
本公司支持来样/图定做,详情请旺旺咨询客服. 样品费用:
03 免费送货 |
单笔订单满98元或者1000件起可免费送货.(免费送货地区为除去西藏、新疆、香港、澳门、台湾、宁夏、内蒙古、甘肃、青海、海南地区以外的中国所有省、直辖市和自治区) |
04 配送说明 |
本公司委托“百世快递”进行商品配送(大件可指定发物流,具体旺旺咨询客服). *注:
05 会员权益 |
一次成功的交易之后即可成为本公司普通会员,具体会员权益参考会员专区. 注:店铺产品均为实价,特价/活动产品,定做商品等不参与会员打折. |
06 修改订单 |
07 关于产品 |
1. 发饰基本为手工制作,且大包发货。常见的摩擦痕迹、珍珠划痕、溢胶印子、轻微大小不对称、花色布艺剪裁随机都是默认存在的!
01 声明 |
本流程仅适用于非定做产品(定做以双方约定为准,默认非质量问题,不支持退换). |
02 售后时效 |
签收后48小时内发现质量问题,联系客服登记处理,确认质量问题的支持退/换(本公司承担运费). |
03 退换条件 |
04 退货流程 |
1. 请确认想要退货的商品是否满足退换相应条件
05 换货流程 |
06 退货地址 |