AliPrice Shopping Browser

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Install the Browser Extension and click the Buy-for-me button to jump to the AliPrice Agent website to place an order.
Copy product link and search it.
Select product's color and quantity.
Upload product info.
Pay for the products and shipping fee in China.
AliPrice Agent will buy for you after receiving the order.
Quality inspection and stored in the warehouse.
Visit 'My Products' and then click 'Submit Package'.
Pay for intl shipping fee and service fee.
Consolidate and pack products, reinforce package, weight and send out for delivery.
Once you have received the parcel, you can confirm the delivery via 'My Agent Package'. If you have any question regarding to the parcel, you can also choose the relevant parcel and add note for After-sales Service.
南阳蕲艾坊天然艾草制品有限公司是集艾条生产、开发、研制、艾条批发、艾条定制、销售经营为一体。多年来锐意进取致力于艾草制品的不断研发。公司位于河南南阳。凭借着得天独厚的生态环境和丰富优质的艾草资源为产品提供了优质的保证。我公司先后研发出传统艾条,无烟艾条,艾绒、艾灸贴、艾草精油 随身灸系、足浴包、艾绒布艺品等近几十种产品 。公司从成立以来主要从事艾草制品加工、贴牌加工、定制加工、艾灸馆特加工定制生产等等。公司现货供应支持一件代发,15:00之前订单当天发货,合作圆通 邮政快递。欢迎新老客户咨询下单!
关于付款:不会操作下单可支付宝直接打款,银行卡直接转账等其他付款方式,选择其他付款方式可联系客服。 关于运费:因产品均有重量,快递和物流运输都是按重量结算,故一律不以下单后系统自动弹出的运费数字为准!所有运输费用均按照货物包裹总重量重新核算,下单后请自觉联系客服询问运费并多退少补,所有订单运费不够视为无效且我司有权不予以发货!敬请知悉且下单即为默认! |
电话:0377-66086696 手机:18736583620(宋经理) 一件代发,现货零售零售、批发、整批、混批、量大更优惠!欢迎来电咨询。 诚信是本,沟通是满意的桥梁! |