AliPrice Shopping Browser
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Install the Browser Extension and click the Buy-for-me button to jump to the AliPrice Agent website to place an order.
Copy product link and search it.
Select product's color and quantity.
Upload product info.
Pay for the products and shipping fee in China.
AliPrice Agent will buy for you after receiving the order.
Quality inspection and stored in the warehouse.
Visit 'My Products' and then click 'Submit Package'.
Pay for intl shipping fee and service fee.
Consolidate and pack products, reinforce package, weight and send out for delivery.
Once you have received the parcel, you can confirm the delivery via 'My Agent Package'. If you have any question regarding to the parcel, you can also choose the relevant parcel and add note for After-sales Service.
一★:由于客服同事要回答很多顾客问题,所以回复慢了请谅解,在此表示道歉,有什么问题给我们留言,我们会尽快回复,订单如有错误,请联系客服修改。 |
二★: 请务必仔细查看包的尺寸(误差2cm属正常)。包都是实物拍摄,显示器、相机、阳光均会造成色差,如因:感觉没有图片好或和想像不一样、所以请在拍时询问下哦 |
三★: 本店推出7无条件退换货,购物无后顾之忧,退换货产生的来回运费都由买家承担,退回的包必须带原包装,如有质量问题,我们承担运费,使用后的包不退换! 收到包后有任何问题,请先联系我们,我们会给您一个满意的答复~ |
四★:顾客的订单,我们按照订单先后顺序,如果遇到个别商品问题晚发情况,我们会给顾客留言联系说明,如果遇到缺货的情况,我们会及时给您办理退款,并在下次购物给您优惠补偿 |
五★:请填写详细的地址电话,如选的是快递,请保持收货时间开机,以免快递联系不上耽误收货时间。 |
六★:当您收到包裹时,签收后,别让快递人员走,务必要当着工作人员的面打开,并检查货品,如有数量不对和质量问题,请拒绝收货,如您收货后,恕本店不再承担责任! 备注:由于包包都是新出厂的,全新的包包一开始都会有味道的哦过一会就没有了,还请大家理解~如果不能接受的mm请慎重购买哈,考虑好了在下手哈~ |