AliPrice Shopping Browser
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Install the Browser Extension and click the Buy-for-me button to jump to the AliPrice Agent website to place an order.
Copy product link and search it.
Select product's color and quantity.
Upload product info.
Pay for the products and shipping fee in China.
AliPrice Agent will buy for you after receiving the order.
Quality inspection and stored in the warehouse.
Visit 'My Products' and then click 'Submit Package'.
Pay for intl shipping fee and service fee.
Consolidate and pack products, reinforce package, weight and send out for delivery.
Once you have received the parcel, you can confirm the delivery via 'My Agent Package'. If you have any question regarding to the parcel, you can also choose the relevant parcel and add note for After-sales Service.
1)用小刀沿茎基部切下,速度要快,不要拖泥带水,否则会造成撕裂形的伤口。切口位置不要远离叶节位置,应取在结上不超过1cm处。2)涂抹少量杀菌粉剂,多菌灵、百菌清、甲基托布津等都可。3)在阴凉处晾置三天以上,时间宁长勿短。待伤口充分愈合、植株适当塌缩之后再进行扦插。如发现插穗疲软,切口基部发红或是产生鬼裂纹之后为扦插较合适时机。4)对于那些很难生根的品种,可以适当涂抹生根粉货在生根粉溶液中浸泡1-2小时,溶液浓度不宜过大。一般较皮实的品种用不着这一步。5)将插穗插入已消毒的基质插床中,保持适合的温度和湿度,避免直射阳光。 对于很难生根或是木质化程度比较高的品种,可以用斜面切口或是楔形双面切口。有利于扩大愈合组织面,增大生根面。 不适合扦插的植株扦插完成后保持空气相对湿度,适合的温度是重要的,其次是要避免日光直射。如果用闷养生根法要记得定时打开通风,因为植株需要补充氧气和二氧化碳。如果发现基质中萌发菌丝,则立即喷洒杀菌药剂等等。