AliPrice Shopping Browser

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Install the Browser Extension and click the Buy-for-me button to jump to the AliPrice Agent website to place an order.
Copy product link and search it.
Select product's color and quantity.
Upload product info.
Pay for the products and shipping fee in China.
AliPrice Agent will buy for you after receiving the order.
Quality inspection and stored in the warehouse.
Visit 'My Products' and then click 'Submit Package'.
Pay for intl shipping fee and service fee.
Consolidate and pack products, reinforce package, weight and send out for delivery.
Once you have received the parcel, you can confirm the delivery via 'My Agent Package'. If you have any question regarding to the parcel, you can also choose the relevant parcel and add note for After-sales Service.
如何维护保养锁芯?保养锁芯的方法有哪些? 防盗门锁芯应该是铜的,铜锁心不但不生锈,而且耐损。铜锁心的使用寿命比较长。现在很多商家为了降低成本,用其他金属代替,有的所提甚至是硬塑料。这虽然降低了生产的成本,可是大大缩短了锁的使用寿命。 在购买锁具是,一定看看锁的质量。一般铜锁心钥匙插拔自如,非常顺畅,质量差的锁感觉就不一样了。安装锁芯时,一定要合适,不能反卡,或者不能轻松上锁开锁,这个时候认真检查,排除故障。在使用过程中,如果发现锁不好用了,千万不要向锁芯里面倒入机油,时间长了锁芯会被灰尘黏住,弹簧不能正常工作,造成锁芯不能开启的情况。 、正常使用期间请保持钥匙孔内清洁,防止沙油,只有当钥匙不好插入锁芯的时候,可以向锁芯内加入炭粉,或是用2B铅笔在钥匙下划出一些粉末,插入锁芯反复抽拉几次。这样反复几次锁芯就好开了。 二、千万不要在钥匙不好插入,或是钥匙不好转动的情况下加入食用油,超B级锁芯,由于精密度高,结构复杂里面弹子比普通锁芯多出几倍,加油后当时好开。可过几天就会因为粘了灰尘,或是油干了,就容易导致锁芯更加难开,这样反复加几次油,就会导致锁芯卡死甚至报废