AliPrice Shopping Browser
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Click on the link "Add Store"
Coupang is currently supported
After the adding is successful, you will be redirected to the "Imported Order" page.
You can click "Store Authorization" to check the status of your authorized store.
1. Find products on the AliPrice platform, you can browse our popular products or search by keyword(If you want to upload 1688 / Taobao product, please contact us);
2. Click "List It Now" or "Wishlist" on the product details page to import the product to your store;
3. Edit the product information before listing, and click "Save" after editing;
Select your "Store" in the list and click "List it to store";
4. Check "Listed" and your Coupang store has successfully listed products;
After the pop-up window shows that the product has been successfully listed, you can click "Go to Coupang store to view" to check the product. In addition, you can also check on the "Listed" list on the AliPrice platform.
1. After logging into your AliPrice account, navigate to "Orders"on the left column, and click "Imported Orders";
2. You need to click "Download Order" to synchronize the Coupang store order to the AliPrice platform, and select the corresponding store name to import the order;
3. Click "Pending Payment" in the tab and you will see a list of orders that have not yet been fulfilled. ("Unpaid" means that your customer has paid for the order and you have not yet paid for the product on AliPrice platform.) If your customer has not paid or only paid for part of the order, we will not download the order to your AliPrice account;
4. Review the order you would like to fulfill. Change the shipping option and shipping address if necessary. For your convenience, you can set default shipping options;
5. After confirming the order, check the required order (you can select all orders on the page), and then click "Batch Payment" or "At-once Payment".
6. You will be redirected to the payment page, follow the instructions to complete the payment;
7. After completing the payment, we will process your order immediately. You can check the order update on the order page, usually it takes less than 4 days before delivery;
After shipping, AliPrice will provide a tracking URL, and the order will be prompted with "Dispatched" and "Complete". Order status and tracking number will be synced to your Coupang store at the same time, no need to do anything manually on your part!
1. Since there is a 1‰ probability that the products on 1688 will not support "one drop shipping" or be out of stock, in order to avoid the problem that you cannot sell, AliPrice Dropshipping recommends that you:
(1) Please try to choose a supplier that supports "dropshipping".
(2) You can purchase multiple pieces of this product at the same time and store them in the warehouse of AliPrice Dropshipping. When you have a sales order, AliPrice Dropshipping can arrange the shipment for you immediately.
(3) If you do not accept the method of purchasing more products and storing them in the warehouse, then AliPrice Dropshipping will not be able to help you purchase the "one dropshipping" or out-of-stock 1688 products, please apply for a refund.
货号: | HY1018 |
品名: | 婴儿手推车 |
包装方式: | 手提礼盒 |
包装规格: | 48.5*37*15cm |
毛重: | 2.5kgs |
1. 本公司产品报价一般阿里网页上标价为主,所有报价均为出厂价,不含运费及其它一切费用,所有货款以人民币结算(单位:元)。
2. 因玩具材料随时涨动,下单前还请向旺旺客服询问一下价格。
3. 所有尺寸都是手工测量,1- 2CM误差为正常。所有图片都是实拍上传的,由于光线,显示器不同等原因,会存在一定色差,请多包涵。
1. 支持网上付款。
2. 银行汇款请联系我们索要银行资料。
2. 关于物流,货运运费一般是到付的,货品需到货运站点自提。发货物流可由客户自行提供(请提供澄海货运电话)也可以由我们为您选择较合适的!(注:货品运费我们这边只能帮买家估算,实际运费以提货时金额为主,运输是由第三方物流公司完成,非我们所能控制。运输时间受天气、车辆安排、交通条件等诸多因素的影响,我们和您预估的运输时间,仅供参考,不作为合约的内容,也不作为退货的理由。请您理解,谢谢!)
2. 我们代客户发货,办理发货运输手续。运费均为到付。提货时,如果有损坏等可用运费进行担保。一般建议不要预付。
换退说明: |
1.我们原则上不接受退货,如产品因出厂质量问题的可协商换货,但所产生运输费用需要由买家负责,收到退回产品后我们会在客户下次进货时将换货一起发出,无法接受下次发货时一起发的情况,运费由客户自理且寄回前必须告知本商行旺旺客服!!!所发产品均会通过产中、产后、发出前等多次检查,完全合格才发货,但各种不确定因素均会导致产品功能的丧失,我司只能保证98%的合格率,2%属免责范围。 |
2.由于玩具产品的特殊性,和家电产品不能相提并论,因此我司所有售出的玩具产品均不实行三包政策,如属使用后产生的问题,我司不承担任何责任,如在我司能力范围内,会帮助解决这些问题,但所产生的一切相关费用由客户自行承担。特殊产品按我司客服人员与客人达成的相关协议办理。 |
3.以下条件不能享受退换:退回的产品包装损毁或不完整、产品配件或相关资料不齐、未经授权擅自修理或改装、未按正常方法使用或贮存、超出售后服务期限的商品。 |